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The Language of the Guyins

Guide: Planning a battle


- Let's wait for the sun to set.
Wahen rwahnok unú ayan.
[we wait for sunset]

- Check your arrows, we'll need them sharp.
Háǵǵai yi mekda, wahen wi ótdah teǵ.
[check fist(plural part.) arrow, we go(future part.) need sharp]

- They won't see us coming.
Kuhen gah wi ǵai wahen yiǵ.
[they no go(future part.) see we come]

- Put the archers on the forefront.
Nón hen gunda-ta bai.
[put clan(plural part.) archer front]

- Get the trebuchets ready.
Nánǵah yi tyohmek.
[ready fist(plural part.) trebuchet]

- We need to get ready for a long-lasting siege.
Wahen ótdah di nánǵah unú ran ningkeh.
[we need very(to be) ready for long siege]

- We should attack on the side of the enemy.
Yida kannai reǵ reǵta hekna.
[more good attack enemy side]

- We will set their houses on fire.
Wahen wi kai yi nankai.
[we go(future part.) fire fist(plural part.) house]

- This will slow down the enemy.
U wi uǵ reǵta.
[this go(future part.) slow enemy]

- Keep shooting arrows without a break.
Mekda yi gah yohmún.
[arrow many no stop]

- We plan to execute a nighttime assault.
Wahen tanǵai bádi áron úyiǵ.
[we plan to-finish night assault]

- Create a distraction with a fake attack.
Hokǵai úrgú tata nanhnan reǵ.
[create distraction with trick attack]

- Get spies to find out what the enemy is planning.
Nuk hen nanhnok-ta hah gahnan han reǵta ru tanǵai.
[get clan(plural part.) spy, wish discover what enemy now plan]

- We'll use horns and drums.
Wahen wi dor yi teǵgun ru karkur.
[we go(future part.) use fist(plural part.) horn and drum]

- Burn the land in the enemy's way.
Tar kona nuh reǵta úna.
[burn land in enemy way]

- Shoot flaming arrows to set fire to the enemy's machines.
Kai-mekda hah kai reǵta yi ǵahda.
[fire-arrow, wish fire enemy fist(plural part.) tool.

- Gather the big rocks for our catapults.
Man ron hon gok unú yi narmek.
[gather big same(adjective part.) rock for fist(plural part.) catapult]

- Sharpen the swords and axes really well.
Teǵ yi hokda ru manhok di kannai.
[sharp fist(plural part.) sword and axe very good]

- Seal the entrances to the underground.
Bádya yi yohnar.
[seal fist(plural part.) cave-entrance]

- We will destroy their bridges.
Wahen wi gongon kuhen un yi únkda.
[we go(future part.) destroy they have(possessive part.) fist(plural part.) bridge]

- Build a communal fire at the center of the cave.
Tuya unna hon kai nuh nannar un nuhnik.
[build common same(adjective part.) fire in cave have(possessive part.) center]

- Ready the torches.
Nánǵah yi hunkda.
[ready fist(plural part.) torch]

- We will prepare a decoy campsite.
Wahen wi náman nanhnan kotya.
[we go(future part.) prepare trick campsite]

- Dig trenches around the campsite.
Har yi harran ningur kotya.
[dig fist(plural part.) trench around campsite]

- We will build barricades along the way.
Wahen wi tuya yi narna bátran úna.
[we go(future part.) build fist(plural part.) along way]