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The Language of the Guyins

Guide: Daily phrases


- Have a good hunt!
Kannai hon muweǵ! / Kanhon muweǵ! (shortened version)
[good same(adjective part.) hunt!]

- Have a good battle!
Kannai hon weǵkya! / Kanhon weǵkya! (shortened version)
[good same(adjective part.) battle!]

- Have a safe journey!
Nanknah hon úrǵhún! / Wi nanknah! (short version)
[safe same(adjective part.) journey!] / [go safe]

- Hello, brother! / Hello, sister!
Wabar, tahdar! / Wabar, tahnur!
[hello, brother! / hello, sister!]

- What is your name?
Han ka un bartan?
[what you have(possessive part.) name?]

- My name is [Name].
Wa [Bartan].
[I [Name]]

- I am known as [Name].
Wa hek tuhuǵ tuh [Bartan]. / Tuhuǵ tuh [Bartan]. (shortened version)
[I turn(passive voice part.) know as [Name]]

- Whose son are you?
Hanta un undar ka?
[who have(possessive part.) son you?]

- I am [Father]'s son. / I am [Mother]'s son.
Ka [Tah] un undar. / Ka [Mah] un undar.
[I [Father] have(possessive part.) son.] / [I [Mother] have(possessive part.) son.]

- How are you? / Are you strong?
Ka di ya? / Kadya? (shortened version)
[you very(to be) strong?]

- I am strong, and you?
Wa di ya, ru ka? / Wadya, ka? (shortened version)
[I very(to be) strong, and you?]

- I am strong too.
Wa di ya honún. / Wadya honún (shortened version)
[I very(to be) strong too]

- (It was) nice to meet you. / (It was) nice sharing fire with you.
Kannai gat kai tata ka. / Kangkai. (shortened version)
[good share fire with you]

- You are welcome here.
Ka di kanyiǵ u / Kanyiǵ. (shortened version)
[you very(to be) welcome here]

- You are not welcome here.
Ka gah di kanyiǵ u / Gah kanyiǵ. (shortened version)
[you no very(to be) welcome here]

- Turn back or you will regret it.
Hek nai uru ka wi nánda.
[turn back or you go(future part.) regret]

- May your path be safe!
Hah ka un úna di nanknah! / Hah úna nanknah! (shortened version)
[wish you have(possessive part.) path very(to be) safe!]

- Greetings, brother of the Fire! / Greetings, sister of the Fire!
Wabar, Gu tahdar! / Wabar, Gu tahnur!
[hello, fire(animate) brother!] / [hello, fire(animate) sister!]

- You belong among us.
Ka rógun tata wahen.
[you belong with we]

- You don't belong among us.
Ka gah rógun tata wahen.
[you no belong with we]

- What brings you to this place?
Han taber ka ú?
[what bring you to-here?]

- I am here to see a friend.
Wa ak u hah ǵai mirta.
[I stay here wish see friend]

- Join us by the fire's warmth.
Tattat wahen nin kai un ger.
[join we by fire have(possessive part.) warmth]

- May our paths cross again.
Hah wahen un yi úna únhuk háǵǵah. / Hah yi úna únhuk. (shortened version)
[wish we have(possessive part.) fist(plural part.) path cross again]

- May our paths never cross again.
Hah wahen un yi úna gahau únhuk háǵǵah. / Hah yi úna gahau únhuk. (shortened version)
[wish we have(possessive part.) fist(plural part.) path never cross again]

- (It was) nice seeing you, goodbye.
Kannai ǵai ka, úru.
[good see you, goodbye]

- (It was) nice seeing you too.
Kannai ǵai ka honún.
[good see you too]