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The Language of the Guyins

Guide: Hunting and war talk


- Aim for the leader!
Ǵáteǵ úya-ta!
[aim leader!]

- Big game ahead.
Ron hon muweǵ bai.
[big same(adjective part.) game front]

- Camouflage yourselves with mud from the river.
Wenhnan nen tata háwi un hárǵah.
[camouflage self with river have(possessive part.) mud]

- Follow the scent of the prey.
Huthut mweǵǵah hurdón.
[follow prey smell]

- Grab the spears!
Nuk yi teǵdya!
[grab fist(plural part.) spear]

- Halt!

- Hold your ground.
Ak tuh nar.
[stay like stone]

- Keep an eye on the tracks, they lead to our target.
Ǵai yi húrau, úya wi ǵátǵah.
[eye fist(plural part.) track, lead to target]

- Loose the arrows on my command!
Kau yi mekda hanú tamya!
[loose fist(plural part.) arrow when command!]

- Move quietly, now!
Aǵ gahkar, ru!
[move quiet, now!]

- No sudden moves!
Gah únna hon aǵ!
[no sudden same(adjective part.) move!]

- One more for the tally.
Ur yida unú hau.
[one more for count]

- Prepare for the clash ahead!
Náman unú kák bai!
[prepare for clash front!]

- Quiet, prey is near.
Gahkar, mweǵǵah nin.
[quiet, prey near]

- Ready your swords!
Nánǵah yi hokda!
[ready fist(plural part.) sword!]

- Retreat now!
Nátai ru!
[retreat now!]

- Secure the perimeter.
Unhnan teǵnan!
[protect border]

- Sharpen your weapons!
Teǵ yi weǵreǵ!
[sharp fist(plural part.) weapon!]

- Sound the horn!
Kar teǵgun!
[sound horn!]

- Take cover!
Unhnan nen!
[protect self!]

- The enemy approaches.
Reǵta ninú.
[enemy approach]

- To the walls!
Wi yi naryi!
[to fist(plural) wall]

- Watch the horizon for any movement.
Hunok únai unú rur aǵ.
[watch horizon for any movement]

- We need reinforcements immediately!
Wahen ótdah yi yidya ruru!
[we need fist(plural part.) reinforcement immediately]

- We'll regroup at dawn.
Wahen wi háǵman kahai.
[we go(future part.) regroup dawn]

- We'll strike from the right!
Wahen wi kan útyi urun!
[we go(future part.) strike from right]