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The Language of the Guyins

Guide: Battle cries


- All or nothing!
Tuhu uru gahda!
[all or nothing!]

- Beware, humans, the Guyins are coming.
Ruyar, hen rógyin, hen Guyin ru yiǵ.
[beware, clan(plural part.) human, clan(plural part.) Guyin now come]

- Burn their houses to the ground!
Tar yi nankai dú hu!
[burn fist(plural part.) house until ground!]

- By the power of Fire!
Únai Ronteǵ!
[through fiery-power!]

- Clear the way!
Áya úna!
[clean way!]

- Ever watchful eyes!
Tuhau yi ryarǵai!
[always fist(plural part.) watchful-eye!]

- Fire and vengeance in our blood!
Kai ru úkan nuh tahai!
[fire(inanimate) and vengeance in blood!]

- Fire guides, fire leads!
Gu naǵai, Gu úya!
[fire(animate) guide, fire lead!]

- For honor and glory!
Unú tahyi ru tuhmai!
[for honor and glory!]

- For the Horde!
Unú Muhen!
[for horde!]

- For the Underground!
Unú Róhu!
[for underground!]

- Guided by the fire!
Hek naǵai nin Gu!
[turn(passive voice part.) guide by fire(animate)!]

- Humans fear Guyins!
Hen rógyin takah hen Guyin!
[clan(plural part.) human fear clan(plural part.) Guyin!]

- Into the surface, together!
Wi tuhu, tata!
[to surface, together!]

- Keep moving onward!
Aǵ bai gah yohmún!
[move forward no stop!]

- Make the sky black!
Ǵah ánmu rontar!
[make sky black!]

- No Surrender!
Gah útun!
[no surrender!]

- Remember the Underground Prison!
Ryohǵai Róhu-Nukna!
[remember underground-prison!]

- Smash everything, no hold back!
Kák tuhu, mwin gah nai!
[smash everything, hold no back!]

- The Gods will it.
Hen Nok hah!
[clan(plural part.) God wish]

- United we rise, united we fall.
Tata wahen yoh, tata wahen an.
[together we rise, together we fall]

- Victory is ours!
Wahen un wenrwak!
[we have(possessive part.) win!]

- Victory or Death!
Wenrwak uru Maǵ!
[win or death]

- We want our vengeance.
Wahen hah úkan!
[we wish vengeance]

- You will be burnt to ashes!
Kahen wi tar dú noruk!
[you(plural) go(future part.) burn until ash!]