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The Language of the Guyins

Syntax (word order rules)


Constituent Order (phrase sequence):


1. Subject
2. Particles
3. Auxiliary Verb
4. Main Verb
5. Object

- The interrogative sentence only changes in intonation.


- I have a son
Wa un undar

- I don't have a son
Wa gah un undar

- Do you have a son?
Ka un undar?

- Wh-questions are formed by placing the wh-word at the beginning of the sentence.


- What do you have?
Han ka un?

Noun Phrases:

1. Preposition
2. Possessor
3. Possessive Particle un
4. Adjective
5. Particle hon
6. Noun
7. Cardinal Number

- Possessiveness is formed through the possessive particle un which is placed after the possessor. Un can be omitted when the possessee is animate.
- The particle hon is used to connect an adjective with the following noun.
- The preposition can be omitted when obvious.


- In the damp cave
Nuh di-háǵah hon nannar

- For my strong daughter
Unú wa ya hon unnur

Example Sentences:

- Give me two fish
Unú ú noi hámu

- I was filled with rage
Wa nai hek boi tata tarkur

- In war, anything goes
Nuh weǵron rurda wi

- Nayil imprisoned us underneath the ground
Nehta nai nukna wahen róhu

- She can help us escape
U unya unrwak wahen nukyi

- She can leave the cage
U unya útyi rónuk

- She can live among us
U unya nankai yinuh wahen

- She won our trust
U nai wenrwak wahen un nanú

- The God's child is here
Nok unta ak u

- The light above shall be seen again
Ai yoh un hek ǵai háǵǵah

- The prison was dark
Nukna nai nannai

- This (human) village has many humans
U rónna un hen rógyi

- We fought the snow
Wahen nai weǵ háhyan

- We found the child
Wahen nai báǵai unta

- We have the power of fire
Wahen un kai un ya

- We lived in the forest
Wahen nai nankai tuyi

- We prepare for war
Wahen náman unú weǵron

- We sailed across the waters to attack our enemy
Wahen nai bahdú únai hai wi reǵ wahen reǵta

- We want freedom
Wahen dah áwi

- With a God's sword we destroyed the town
Tata Nok un hokda wahen nai gongon rónna