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The Language of the Gods

Land of Spirits




Preposition table with different usages than English:

- by (used only as "near / next to"): se
The girl is by the tree
ina emrendo se ivandu

- by (cause): tu
It was made by me
ye vuyi tu yiva

- along, by (passing close by): erlaylor
He ran straight by me
vrilo dara odunda sirmir erlaylor yiva

- to (direction), towards, into (used mainly with location): drali
I go to the forest
yiva dunima drali iqerdu

- to, on (used as "to" when not referring to a location): mnelo
I give it to you
yiva naliya mnelo luva

- by, according to, after (translated as "by" to indicate a referenced source): grila
That's fine by me
le ana qiru grila yiva

- of, off (as "of" only used as a complement to verbs): dur
You remind me of my father
luva ligonala yiva dur yivan irlinyo

- at (also used for days): gye
On cold days
gye takulir inra'ni