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The Language of the Guyins



Long before the creation of mankind, from the Ether, the deities created the Giant Beasts. They were enormous creatures with large teeth, claws and beaks, that learned to survive the harsh Land of Spirits. Over the centuries, many races of Giant Beasts perished, while others grew into mighty hunters that fed on the flesh of others. At the pinnacle of the food chain were the Guyins, a race of half-giants that had formed a primitive civilization in the Linar Forest, to the north of the Large Inner Sea. They were more adroit than the other Giant Beasts, and managed to fight and eventually hunt.

Merg, God of War, made it his custom to fight and kill the largest and strongest of the Giant Beasts to develop his prowess as a warrior. Eventually, his strength and fighting skills grew to such great heights that the other deities began to respect and fear him. As a result of this all, Teriyas, God of Creation, realized that Merg was becoming a threat to him and could potentially challenge his leadership. Teriyas set in motion an irreversible ice age that eventually led to the extinction of the Giant Beasts. However, the Guyins managed to survive owing to their mastery of fire.

Living in the giant Linar Forest, the Guyins first developed a logographic language to create maps of their vast territory, and to help build their society. They created symbols for different landmarks, like mountains, rivers and clearings, weather and dangerous situations. Initially, they had only simple sounds to represent these symbols, however, after encountering the human race, and feeling threatened, their language evolved, in order to be able to fight the humans in a series of battles. After the Guyins destroyed one of the great cities of the humans, the Gods banished them to the underground cavern system underneath the Lake of Anadan. The Guyins rebuilt their society and evolved their language in order to preserve their centuries long history above ground.

After the death of the deities, the Land of Spirits began dying, and the Guyins managed to escape the underworld. They went on a massive revenge quest to erase all humans from the earth. During this period they formalized their spoken language even more, as different Guyin military fractions needed to communicate over great distances using messengers. Their written language stayed somewhat primitive, mostly used for map making and war strategy planning, while their spoken language evolved into a language for practical purposes only: preserving history by telling stories, and planning battles.